About The Apprenticeship

The Herbalist Course

Excelsior Apprenticeships in Herbal Medicine offers accredited practitioner-level herbal training programs in Belfast and Dublin.

Excelsior aims to deliver the highest training standards by embracing both traditional energetic concepts and modern academic standards, including a full program of 800 hours clinical study and over1000 hours of live lectures and botanical field trips, consolidated by self-directed home study.

Herbalist Course


The curriculum is designed to exceed the standards set by independent professional herbal associations. The course covers the following topics and much. much more:


  • Sustainable Wild Harvesting
  • Botany and Plant Identification
  • Field Trips & Foraging
  • Supervised Student Clinics
  • Traditional Herbal Energetics
  • Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology
  • Phytochemistry and Plant Sciences
  • Aromatherapy & Massage
  • Nutritional Therapy
  • Practical Medicine Making
  • Ancient Traditions and Diagnostics
  • Dispensing and Pharmacy
  • Evidence Based Medicine/Research
  • Case History Taking
  • Extensive Materia Medica (focus on local herbs) 
  • Setting Up in Clinical Practice

About the Course in Herbal Medicine

Excelsior holds live classes two weekends a month over 4 years (except in the first year 1-2 classes per month). Excelsior meets and exceeds professional standards with over 800 hours of clinical practice in a supervised student clinic.

Discover how to cultivate plants in our dedicated learning garden. Explore how to identify and harvest herbs from the wild. Gain practical knowledge on how to make medicines. Learn how to conduct herbal consultations and formulate bespoke herbal remedies And much more!

Herbal medicine training can seem expensive, but in comparison to modern equivalent university degree courses, it is less than half the price!

To apply to the Excelsior course, you will need to be over 21 years of age and be fluent in the English language. The course, while ideal for applicants who have already trained in another healthcare modality, is open to the complete novice. After sending in a completed application you will be required to attend a brief interview.

Our apprenticeship-style training includes the History and Philosophy of WHM; Western Energetics; Western Tongue & Pulse diagnostics; Clinical Examination techniques; Anatomy & Physiology; Pathophysiology; Clinical Study; Botany; Cultivation; Sustainable Wildcrafting; Nutrition; Aromatherapy; Pharmacy; Chemistry; EBM; Systematic Research; Scientific investigation; Diagnostics; Case Taking; Practical medicine making and dispensing; Formulation; Setting up in practice and much more, including modules not taught on any other courses to the best of our knowledge.

We invite potential applicants to compare and contrast other courses. Excelsior intends to offer the most advanced course of its kind and to become known as a centre of excellence.

All our classes are live. We accept that many aspects of herbal medicine cannot be sufficiently taught online. However, we occasionally use virtual learning from time to time if necessary or appropriate.


Excelsior Apprenticeships is accredited by meeting the core-curriculum criteria set by the Irish Register of Herbalists (IRH), the largest professional association for herbalists in Ireland, including Northern Ireland. Upon completion, graduates receive a recognised Diploma in Herbal Medicine (Dip. HerbMed). Graduates can gain appropriate indemnity insurance and are eligible to join the IRH as professional Herbalists.


Listen to a testimonial from one of our student herbalists.


Lead lecturer & Principal, Danny O’Rawe, ND, MSc, FIRH, has been dedicated to herbal medicine for more than three decades. Danny is an Honorary Fellow and former president of the Irish Register of Herbalists (IRH).

We would also direct you to our course lecturers, all of whom have at least 10 years clinical experience as practitioners. Our lecturer’s collective experience is greater than 250 years, whereas other courses often lack experienced lecturers and training standards may be lower. You’ll find more information on our lecturers on the ‘Faculty’ page over on the Excelsior website.

Applications Open

We are currently accepting applications for the next herbal apprenticeship intake.