Become a Herbalist
Excelsior Apprenticeships
Herbalism Courses Near me
Student intake for 2024
To apply for the Excelsior Apprenticeship in Herbal Medicine in Belfast Northern Ireland (2024) or Dublin, Republic of Ireland (2025), please download the appropriate folder, read the material and fill in the application then submit it to us.
Practitioner Course
Experienced Faculty
Our lecturers’ collective experience is greater than 250 years, whereas other courses often lack experienced lecturers and training standards may be lower
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Professional Accredited Course
The Excelsior course is independently accredited by the Irish Register of Herbalists, a professional association for herbalists in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
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Western Herbal Medicine
The Excelsior course aims to deliver the highest training standards by embracing both traditional concepts and modern academia in our herbal apprenticeship.
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